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Service Locator, our new booking tool

Arval Belgium has developed a new self-service booking tool: the Service Locator.

In just a few simple clicks, you can access the preferred network, where you can see all our Arval partners by category: such as bodywork shops, glass repairers, inspection or tyre centres, also car dealers either by brand or multi-brand.

You can find this tool either via your My Arval app, on the My Arval desktop version or on the Arval website.

A quick list of the benefits

For maintenance or technical repairs, you can also quickly schedule an appointment via the Service Locator. You will receive a confirmation of your appointment by e-mail.

  • You can choose your preferred supplier
  • Several dates are available to you
  • Online booking, with confirmation from the supplier
  • You manage your own appointments

Where can I find the Service Locator?

Via the My Arval Mobile App

If you have the My Arval Mobile app on your smartphone, you can click on the "Service Locator" icon to access the tool and search for a partner in your region. Find out how to download the app today.

Service Locator in My Arval Mobile

Via My Arval

If you are using the My Arval's desktop version, you can click on “Additional services” in the "Service Locator" function.

Service Locator in My Arval


Via our website

Using this link you can click on the link “Find a Service Centre” to access the Service Locator, then search for a partner in your area.

Mobility solutions

As an Arval user, you are entitled to a free mobility solution via the Service Locator when you schedule an appointment for maintenance or technical repair; this with any Arval partner where the 'Book online' function is active in the tool (displayed in green).

"Book online" function is active

The mobility solutions offered are either a replacement vehicle available from the partner (Go to Arval Partner), or a pick-up and drop-off service at a location of your choice.*

Book online (green)

"Book online" function is not active

You can still schedule an appointment with the partner by phone, but without a mobility solution being offered.


Book online (grey)

*However, this only applies for jobs that take more than an hour.